Guide Dog Gets A Pat Down By Airport Security… And Loves Every Second Of It!
When this man brought his trusty guide dog to the airport, a security officer had to give the pooch a pat down. Luckily, the friendly pup didn’t mind at all. In fact, Mr. Maple enjoyed the attention! Since this guide dog belonged to social media influencers Matthew and Paul, the adorable TSA encounter ended up online. Your heart will melt when you watch the clip!
In the video, Paul, who is blind, brought his guide dog through airport security while traveling. This canine’s experience with the TSA was surprisingly cute! First, Mr. Maple had to walk through the metal detector by himself. Paul had already done so, and the pooch was clearly very happy to be rejoining his owner on the other side!
Once that was over, an airport security officer pulled Paul and the guide dog aside so that he could give the pup a pat down. As soon as the man knelt down in front of the pooch, Mr. Maple’s tail started wagging. He had no idea why this stranger was giving him affection, but he was very excited about it! Judging from Matthew and Paul’s footage, it seems like the TSA officer might have enjoyed the interaction a little bit, as well.
This adorable video has received over 13 million views! Commenters loved seeing this guide dog’s precious reaction to the airport security pat down.